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Take the B***S*** out of BSA.
Talk to RiskScout!

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FirstPass KYC & KYB

When it comes to knowing your clients, we leave no stone unturned. We recognize the need for comprehensive KYC & KYB that's integrated directly into your experience so you can quickly vet your applicants against industry data in one convenient location. FirstPass is where automated reviews meet quality checks from former regulators and financial professionals, so we can reduce false positives and irrelevant findings and you can focus on catching true bad actors.


A graphic of the FirstPass platform with features called out, including KYB compliance, industry focused license validation, pre-onboarding red flags, beneficial ownership info, and related businesses

Comprehensive Business Reviews

Our system runs data through all 50 states, EIN verification, UBO associations, OFAC, sanctions, and address checks. If we detect any inconsistencies, we flag them and provide additional information or best practice watchlists to resolve the issue.


We go above and beyond typical KYC/KYB with license lookups for cannabis, hemp and MSB by scanning against FinCEN, state data, and the best licensing providers in the industry. Depending on your state, we can also share additional data such as program violations and updates to further tailor your solution.

Informed Individual Reviews

We run all individuals through comprehensive adverse media, PEPs, OFAC, and sanctions checks so you're fully informed about the relationship you're entering. With our optimized filters, we reduce false positives and provide only relevant information for your decisioning. 

Thorough Adverse Media Checks

Not only do we run our adverse media searches through the largest data companies in the world, but we also have our own experts review and optimize results to ensure relevancy. By monitoring over 50 categories internationally and providing links to findings, you'll know you've covered your bases.

Multiple Ways to Access Data

Our platform is built on modern technologies hosted in secure and scalable cloud infrastructure. This allows us to quickly expand and deliver new features without costly upgrades and server hardware.

Fully Integrated into RiskScout

By having FirstPass integrated into the RiskScout platform, you're able to view key KYC/KYB details on an initial application and ongoing basis for clients. Its a turnkey package that returns key data without a lot of noise.

Web Based Platform

FirstPass is accessible in an simple web browser where you can load target details and run reports. You can invite businesses and individuals to complete their information directly within the system as well.


To allow developers to integrate this feature into their applications, FirstPass is accessible via a modern API. It's easy to call the input methods and create a hook to get the report data in a programatic format.

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Simpler BSA

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